
Bikers Against Child Abuse

Bikers Against Child Abuse


This website was created for personal use as part of a student project and is not affiliated with Bikers Against Child Abuse. To contact Bikers Against Child Abuse visit

B.A.C.A Mission: 

Bikers Against Child Abuse, Inc. (B.A.C.A.) exists with the intent to create a safer environment for abused children and empower them to not feel afraid of the world in which they live.

B.A.C.A desires to send a clear message to all involved with the abused child that they are part of our organization, and that we are prepared to lend our support to them by affiliation and our physical presence. We stand at the ready to shield these children from further abuse. Our mission is not to be permanently engaged as the child's power but to help the children and families learn how powerful they can be. 

How B.A.C.A Works: 

After receiving a referral, B.A.C.A. Members contact the parents and organize a ride to the child's home to establish initial contact. Upon arrival bikers give the child a jacket with the B.A.C.A. patch and provide contact information for the two bikers that live geographically closest. If the child feels scared or in need of the presence of their B.A.C.A. family, they can call upon those bikers to come to their house and provide the necessary reassurance to feel safe and protected.

B.A.C.A. Members and supporters also support the children by: providing escorts for them if they feel scared in their neighborhoods; riding by their homes on a regular basis; supporting the children at court and parole hearings; attending their interviews, and; staying with the children if they are alone and frightened. The B.A.C.A. Members never go to the child’s house alone and never without the knowledge or permission of the parents. 



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About BACA

My Hometown Chapter


Social Media


See the entire process: 

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